For more information do look at MathWorks "Why do I get an error 'GLIBCXX_3.4.9 not found"
According to the mathwork website,
This issue is caused by a missing or outdated as required by the keycheck application (R2011a) or the MLM vendor daemon (R2011b). Both the R2011a keycheck and R2011b MLM vendor daemon require Refer to your operating system documentation for information on how to update or install a missing library.
If the necessary version of the library is not available for your Linux distribution it can be copied and installed from the MATLAB installation files following the instructions below:
NOTE: $MATLAB refers to the MATLAB installation location (ex: /usr/local/MATLAB/R2011b)
NOTE: $ARCH refers to the machine architecture (ex: glnx86 for Linux 32-bit or glnxa64 for Linux 64-bit)
If MATLAB is installed in addition to the FlexNet license manager, skip directly to step 3.
1. Create a subdirectory within the MATLAB installation folder as shown below:
[root@localhost ~] mkdir -p $MATLAB/sys/os/$ARCH
2. Copy the library from the MATLAB installation files (either an installation DVD or the extracted downloaded installer archive) into the newly created directory:
[root@localhost ~] cp /media/MATLAB_R2011b/bin/$ARCH/ $MATLAB/sys/os/$ARCH
3. Run 'ldconfig' to create symbolic links to the new library and update the dynamic linker cache:
[root@localhost ~] ldconfig $MATLAB/sys/os/$ARCH