Thursday, July 24, 2014

Using pip to install python packages

Pointer 1: To install specific version of packages do
# pip install 'numpy==1.5.1'
Pointer 2: To show what files was installed
# pip show --files numpy
Name: numpy
Version: 1.8.1
Location: /usr/local/python-2.7.8/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Pointer 3: Uninstall a package
# pip uninstall num
Uninstalling SomePackage:
Pointer 4: Upgrade a package:
# pip install --upgrade SomePackage
Found existing installation: SomePackage 1.0
Uninstalling SomePackage:
Successfully uninstalled SomePackage
Running install for SomePackage
Successfully installed SomePackage
Pointer 5: List what packages are outdated:
# pip list --outdated
SomePackage (Current: 1.0 Latest: 2.0)
  1. pip 1.5.6 - A tool for installing and managing Python packages
  2. pip - installation

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