Monday, November 23, 2015

Configure Error when compiling GCC 5.2.0 on CentOS 6.6

When I compile according to Compiling GNU 5.2.0 on CentOS 6

I've got this error.
configure: error: 
I suspect your system does not have 32-bit development libraries (libc and headers). 
If you have them, rerun configure with --enable-multilib. 
If you do not have them, and want to build a 64-bit-only compiler, rerun configure with --disable-multilib.

The solution is

# yum install glibc-devel*.i686

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Too many content sets for certificate Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Standard (up to 2 sockets) 3 year. A newer client may be available to address this problem.

If your encounter Too many content sets for certificate Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Standard (up to 2 sockets) 3 year. A newer client may be available to address this problem when you are using RHEL 6.3 and below.

Step 1: you need to be able to do a yum install. To be able to do that, at the command prompt, register with RHN Classics
# rhn_register

Step 2: Update Yum subscription
# yum update subscription-manager

Step 3:Subscribe to the Subscription Pool

# subscription-manager subscribe --pool=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Not loading "rhnplugin" plugin, as it is disabled

After subscribing to the Red Hat Subscription by doing a

# subscription-manager register

After that I did a

# yum clean all
# yum repolist -v
Not loading "rhnplugin" plugin, as it is disabled

Finally, I did a

# subscription-manager list --available
Select the right pool

# subscription-manager subscribe --pool=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
If it still does not work, go for the RHN Classic

# rhn_register

You can check whether it works by
# yum -d10 repolist

Repo-id      : rhel-x86_64-server-6
Repo-name    : Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (v. 6 for 64-bit x86_64)
Repo-updated : Tue Nov 10 21:10:32 2015
Repo-pkgs    : 16,298
Repo-size    : 28 G
Repo-baseurl :
Repo-expire  : 21,600 second(s) (last: Thu Nov 12 09:19:23 2015)
Repo-exclude : ibutils-libs*
Repo-excluded: 12

Wednesday, November 4, 2015