Friday, February 24, 2017

Compiling Intel FFTW3 and FFTW2 Interface Wrapper Library

FFTW3 wrappers to Intel MKL are delivered both in Intel MKL and as source code which can be compiled to build to build standalone wrapper library with exactly the same functionality. The source code for the wrappers, makefiles are found .....\interfaces\fftw3xc subdirectory in the Intel MKL Directory

Intel FFTW3 Interface Wrapper Library. Do the same for fftw3xc and fftw3xf
# cd interfaces/fftw3xc
# make libintel  INSTALL_DIR=$MKLROOT/lib/intel64
Once Compiled, the libraries are kept $MKLROOT/lib/intel64  

Intel FFTW2 Interface Wrapper Library. Do the same for fftw2xc and fftw2xf
# cd interfaces/fftw2xc
# make libintel  PRECISION=MKL_DOUBLE
# make libintel  PRECISION=MKL_SINGLE
Once Compiled, the libraries are kept $MKLROOT/lib/intel64

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