Taken from Adaptive Computing:
The mjobctl command controls various aspects of jobs. It is used to submit, cancel, execute, and checkpoint jobs. It can also display diagnostic information about each job. The mjobctl command enables the Moab administrator to control almost all aspects of job behavior.
Selected examples of using mjobctl. For more information, see
1. Cancel Job
# mjobctl -c job_id
Cancel Job according to credentials or job attributes
Example A, Cancels all jobs that currently have a USERHOLD on them.
# mjobctl -c -w state=USERHOLD
Example B, Cancels all jobs assigned to user1 or acct1.
# mjobctl -c -w user=user1 -w acct=acct1
2. Set or Release a Job Hold
Example A, Set a user hold on job
# mjobctl -h user job1045
Example B, Unset all holds on job
# mjobctl -u all job1045
3. Unhold a Job
Release user and system holds on job
# mjobctl -u user,system job1045
4. Execute a Job
The -w option allows flags to be set for the job. Allowable flags are, ignorepolicies, ignorenodestate, and ignorersv.
ignorepolicies - Ignore Policies
ignorenodestate - Ignore Node State
ignorersv - Ignore RSV
Example A, Execute the
# mjobctl -x job1045
Example B, Execute job job1046 and ignore policies, such as MaxJobPerUser
# mjobctl -x -w flags=ignorepolicies job1046
Example C, Resume a Job
# mjobctl -r job1045
Example D, Requeue a Job
# mjobctl -R job1045
Example E, Suspend a job
# mjobctl -s job1045
Example F, Submit a Job
# mjobctl -S job1045
5. Modify a Job's Priority
Example A, Modify a job's System Priority.
# mjobctl -p +1000 job1045
Example B, Adds 1000 points to what the priority of the job would be from normal calculation.
# mjobctl -p 1000 job1045 --flags=relative
6. Query a Job
Example A, Query job job1045.
# mjobctl -q diag job1045
Example B, Query starttime of job job1045
# mjobctl -q starttime job1045